Disclosure of Interest
Country Funerals is Solely owned by Leah Frances Hutchinson
We have no business or material financial interest in a price comparison website
There has been no material charitable donation to a third party.
There has been no charitable contribution or payment of gratuity to a third party.
There has been no material form of payment to a third party that does not relate to a cost incurred or a service by the third party on behalf of or to Country Funerals
Country Funerals
A well-established and reputable independent funeral directors, Country Funerals offers a warm, professional and personal female-led funeral service.
With highly experienced female funeral directors, Country Funerals takes care of providing the best possible funeral service for your loved ones.
Pre-paid Funeral Plans
With Golden Leaves Funeral Planning, Country Funerals’ funeral directors will work with you to look ahead – leaving your funeral arrangement in the best possible hands.
Country Funerals, Westwell, Ashford, Kent,
TN25 4LE
Telephone: 01233 712222 or 07708 407229
Email: leah@country-funerals.co.uk
Open 24 hours